1. Artist unify their work by using repetition geometric shapes, warm colors, and other key elements to make the picture whole. Artists can also display unity with a central theme. By finding a focus and centering it, the piece will begin to tell a story.
pamela seatter
This piece is called "Stronger Together" by Pamela Seatter. According to Pamela this mural was inspired by the infamous "Me Too" movement and her participation in the Women's march. She was astonished by the involvement of variations of people and their backgrounds. This mural uses unification in many ways. One way would be the background, the women are held together by a fabric like image. Another way would be the geometric shapes, their is an outer square, and an inner square, the triangles at the top.

2. An artist creates asymmetrical balance by having the left and right side of the piece dissimilar to each other, it more so has to do with the balance of elements according to their visual weights of color and forms. Within forms there are two separate categories, a large/small and complex/simple. Large forms tend to be more attention grabbing but can be balance by smaller forms. Complex forms carry more visual weight, warm colors grab more attention then cool colors.

Caravaggio_-_The_Incredulity_of_Saint_Thomas.jpg (798×588)
This  piece is called "The Incredulity of St.Thomas". In this painting you immediately focus on the robe of Christ because of the yellow, and the tone of his skin. The painting then balances itself on the right side with lighting that is casted on the left hand side of the person in the red robe in the front. The brightness of the forehead in the back contrasts with the dark sky in the back.

3. The scale can change the meaning of the art work by different key elements.  For example some artists may use distortion in a sense of humor. Having a normal sized object enlarged in a normal sized setting can be used to seem quite humorous. Distortion in a scale can also be used in a serious way.  Having small figures hold a large figure can be deemed as heroic/ courageous.
Here we have the infamous sculpture "Floor cake" Floor cake is literally just a enlarged piece of cake. This sculpture can be looked in a humorous way because the sculpture can also look like feces. The enlargement of the cake shows what we as a society are attracted to, we are naturally attracted to anything big


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